
21 October 2015

Highland Park Dark Origins Tweet Tasting

More social media based dramfotainment you say? Well allow us to gladly oblige, as we’re delighted to announce that on November 9th, we’re teaming up again with our good friends at Highland Park, for an evening of darkly delicious dramming discoveries.

On the night, we’ll be pouring and exploring Highland Park’s Dark Origins expression, followed by a Highland Park Dark Origins Smoky Old Fashioned cocktail, mixed to perfection by Mixxit mixologist Wayne Collins, who we’re thrilled to say will also be tweeting in on the action. If that wasn’t enough we’ll be finishing the night in fine style with Highland Park’s decadently, dark and delish 18 Year Old.

More details to follow soon, but if you fancy taking part in a Highland Park hootendrammy of a night click here to register your interest by emailing your name, address and Twitter handle, remembering to mark the subject line of the email: #HighlandPark

The closing date to register is October 30th, and if you are registering to take part please make sure that you will actually be free on the night!!!

Even if you're not one of the selected Tweet Tasters, it'd be great to have you following the evening’s dramfotainment. So we look forward to seeing you over on Twitter on November 9th at 7pm GMT via hashtag #HighlandPark

This particular tasting is open to UK residents only!

Until then Happy Dramlaxing!

For more information on Highland Park, visit:


Registration open to over 18's only!