
13 February 2019

Gin Insiders Interview - Ian Puddick

Old Bakery Gin Ltd

Distiller and Tea Boy


How long have you been working in the gin industry?
I got my licence in the last week of Nov 2016. We missed the Christmas trade rush and I had no contacts in the industry, apart from my favourite shop Gerry’s of Soho, were I was a customer.

What has been your biggest career highlight to date?
Well, there have been quite a few so far: Receiving such amazing and positive feedback from both the trade and public - Being surprised to see Harvey Nichols write about our gin - Getting invited to Lancaster House for a tasting - Having Michael Portillo kindly offer to come and film at the distillery - Members the Royal Family trying Old Bakery Gin - Having directors of Pernod Ricard come and visit and show an interest in our brand. These are just a few.
Can you remember your first gin, and indeed what it was?
I tried a sip of my dad’s gin and tonic as a child…not good, bitter and sour.
What does gin mean to you?
It’s starting to change my life, not because I drink more of it (I don’t), but it’s started to change all my habits, I have been in the routine of managing a leak detection business and managing people, now most of time is spent on sales and marketing, making appointments and having meeting to try taste and sell my gin. It’s a very social business!

Where would you like to see yourself in five years’ time?
Selling 12,000 cases of gin a year. A case of gin in industry language, equates to 18 litres.

What was your last gin?
Old Bakery Gin, last night at Ally Pally Kaleidoscope Festival, we had exclusivity at the Festival Bars.

What’s your favourite time and place to enjoy a gin?
When relaxing, preferably in the sun, this rarely happens!

What are your favourite gin based cocktails and serves?
Our own 'Mums Gin Fizz':

- 50ml Old Bakery Gin on ice

- 10ml Fresh lemon juice

- 20ml Elderflower cordial

- Large splash of Prosecco
What do you think is going to be the next big thing on the gin horizon?
Market consolidation. There are up to 40+ new gins a month coming out.
What’s the one gin you couldn’t live without?
Old Bakery Gin and Beefeater 24.
Many thanks to Ian Puddick. Who will be our next gin insider? Click back soon to find out!