
12 May 2022

Yellowstone Select Flash Blog

In addition to our current teeming throng of industry leading, sensory story driven Tweet Tastings, we’re thrilled to announce another of our Flash Blog events.
To help celebrate National Bourbon Day on June 14th, we’re giving our next group of Flash Bloggers, the opportunity to pour, explore, enjoy and review the multi-award-winning Yellowstone Select Bourbon.
Produced at the Limestone Branch Distillery in Lebanon, Kentucky by descendants of the famed Beam family, this 4 Year Old Bourbon (46.5% ABV) has won gold medals at The San Francisco World Spirits 2022 and The American Whiskey Masters 2021, amongst many other awards.
If you would like to be one of our liquid americana fuelled Flash Bloggers, here are all the details you need to know:
* If you’re a Blogger, Vlogger, Tweeter, Facebooker, Instagrammer YouTuber or TikToker, we’d love for you to write or record a review of the above-mentioned, award-winning release. Then after 10am on June 14th, post your review on your blog or platform of choice, linking and promoting it via tweets, posts and stories on your social media channels. Making sure you include the hashtag #YellowstoneSelect
* We will of course get the sample to you in plenty of time of the Flash Blog date of June 14th, so you’ll have plenty of time to pour, explore and review.
* On the day of the Flash Blog and in the spirit of good Flash Bloggery, we would also kindly ask if you could also share and re-tweet the reviews and posts from your fellow Flash Bloggers.
* To register to take part click here to email your name, postal address, mobile number, date of birth and social media deets, remembering to mark the subject line: #YellowstoneSelect
The closing date to register is May 26th, and if you are registering to take part please make sure that you will actually be free to review and post on June 14th!
For more information on Yellowstone Select, visit:
Registration open to over 21's only!
Be part of the Dramfotainment!