
6 April 2023

The Whisky Wire's 13th Anniversary

Following on from our landmark 250th Tweet Tasting last week, today I’m absolutely thrilled to be celebrating the 13th Anniversary of The Whisky Wire.

From what started as a hobby, to now what is the base of a full-time career within the industry I love, I couldn’t be more grateful to still be doing what I do (a mixed bag at that) and even more grateful to all those who have supported me, the website and all of my other whisky and spirits based endeavours since April 6th 2010.

Since day one, and not just for The Whisky Wire but for everything I do, I’ve always had a creating content for a new generation of whisky enthusiast approach - wanting to do my part to make the world of whisky fun, more inclusive and less stuffy.

For me, it’s never been about self-promotion but always about the drink itself, and sharing it quite literally and in review and information form with my readers and followers aka the Dram Fam.

In addition to the actual whisky, it’s fair to say that the two things that make this industry special for me are its people and places. I’ve been very lucky in being able to meet some of the most incredible, inspiring and people and visit some truly amazing places and distilleries around the world.

Through my Tweet Tastings and other whisky based work, I’ve also been fortunate to work with over 150 whisky, rum, gin, cognac and vodka brands. Not only some of the biggest names in the spirits industry but also some of the newer dramming kids on the block.

So, if over the last 13 years you’ve ever read one of my reviews or interviews at The Whisky Wire, taken part in one of my Tweet Tastings, visited my The Whisky Business site, interacted with me on social media, or have been one of my amazing clients, thank you for being part of the dramfotainment!

Tonight, I’ll be raising a glass of something suitably celebratory to each and every one of you!

